Master Your Genius
How To Prioritize & Find Clarity
August 8, 2019
Welcome to another episode of Master Your Genius! Today, Coach Keith sits down with Claire Lambert to discuss how to prioritize your life and find clarity. Often times, we are hard on ourselves and under the weight of this idea of needing to be more...
Welcome to another episode of Master Your Genius! Today, Coach Keith sits down with Claire Lambert to discuss how to prioritize your life and find clarity. Often times, we are hard on ourselves and under the weight of this idea of needing to be more productive. We schedule and overschedule, without letting some breathing time for who we are and what we need. This is a grave mistake, not only because it makes us less efficient at all the tasks in our life, but also because we don’t give our self the due love that it deserves.

Why do we do all this? A great part of it is because of love – love of those who are close to us, but we seem to forget that we need to take time and love ourselves too. When we don’t love ourselves, we get filled with anxiety. Anxiety leads to inefficiency. This makes us feel even worse. And then we give even less love to ourselves. Instead, we try to outdo some fictional productivity thresholds, because we believe that’s the only way to feel valuable and valued.

It’s the fear of reaching your full potential. Coach Keith and Claire discuss a 3-pronged to schedule (more) time for you. They also discuss how to go about bringing flourishing, effectiveness, focus, efficiency, and just overall life satisfaction to your life. You cannot be focused and be clear if you don’t take of yourself. So, block out that time for yourself, and let your soul shine through by the love you give it.

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